World India Kerala Wayanad Chethalayam falls

Chethalayam Falls , Wayanad

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Languages Spoken
Malayalam, English, Hindi
Chethalayam falls Altitude

Best time to visit Chethalayam falls

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India Kerala Chethalayam falls

About Chethalayam falls

Chethalayam Falls lie near Sultan Bathery in the Wayanad district. These falls are best to visit during the monsoons. A 4km trek in the jungle leads to these falls. Tourists also need to obtain a pass from the forest department. The Forest Range Office is on the roadside in Chethalayam, and you will not miss it. So, plan this on a Saturday, the Forest Office will be open. A guide will then accompany you to the falls. As you go deeper inside the jungle, the chirping of the birds can be heard more clearly, the sound of the falls draw you towards it. You will be amazed by the untouched flora and fauna here. If you go here during the summers, you might spot and elephant also. Just listen to your guide and do not get scared and you will be safe.

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