World India Kerala Kozhikode

Kozhikode , Kerala

Type of Destination
Beaches, City
Languages Spoken
Malayalam, English
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India Kerala Kozhikode

About Kozhikode

Kohzikode is a place of rich history as well as beautiful beaches with stunning sunsets and colorful markets and it mixes all those elements well without compromise. It’s no wonder tourists flock this city in the northwestern part of the state of Kerala.

People of all ages will always find something interesting to see and do here. Couples looking for a romantic holiday will find exactly what they are looking for in Kozhikode’s long shoreline, which rewards them with pristine beaches, clear-blue waters, gorgeous sunsets, and the occasional dolphin sighting. History and architecture buffs will find satisfaction in its several museums and its many old and ancient structures like the Tali Temple, which are seeping with stories and treasures from the past. Nature lovers will enjoy exploring its mangrove forests, wetlands, bird sanctuaries, and the famous Gnats. Shoppers and food lovers will enjoy the city’s major shopping centers, the Big Bazaar and SM Street, where they will find everything from colorful spices and local delicacies to beautiful handicrafts and garments. The entire family will have the time of their lives spending their days in the modern attractions, which include a planetarium, aquarium, biopark, and theme park.

Whether they are looking to have a great time, a relaxing holiday, or an educational trip back in history for young, old or young at heart, Kohzikode never disappoints its visitors. Its natural beauty, marketplaces, and historical structures make this city that one destination in India that everyone will love and keep coming back for.

2.5 ( 1 )

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