World India Maharashtra Latur

Latur , Maharashtra

Type of Destination
Historical, City
Languages Spoken
Marathi, Hindi and English
Latur Altitude

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Maharashtra Latur

About Latur

Latur is one of the fastest growing cities in the state of Maharashtra in terms of technology and development. It has a prosperous culture, rich history and abundant natural environment. The place was under the reign of various rulers like the Rashtrakutas, the Satavahanas, the Sakas, the Sultans of Delhi and Mughals as well. The district is plentiful with rivers like Terna, Gharni, Manjra, Manar and Rena, so it is advised to visit Latur district in the monsoon season to make the most of the traveling experience, as summers are generally arid. Tourists can enjoy the district’s glorious past by visiting the forts of Udgir and Ausa and pilgrimage centers in Renapur and Bhada.

Latur City on the other hand is the 16th largest city in the Maharashtra, an imperative location of thriving trade and commerce of Marathawada. It is also known as the Sugar Belt of our country with a booming business Information Technology as well as Food Industry. The city is most famous for Ganj Golai, a circular structure of 20th Century and Ashtavinayak Temple and the Siddeshwar and Ratneshwar temples.

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