World India Tamil Nadu Chidambaram Tharangambadi

Tharangambadi , Chidambaram

Type of Destination
Historical, City, Museums
Languages Spoken
Tamil & English
Tharangambadi Altitude

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India Tamil Nadu Tharangambadi

About Tharangambadi

Tharangambadi (formerly Tranquebar) is a small town in Nagapattinam district which was the Danish colony prior to the Britishers. Due to its Danish association, Tranquebar is famous for the Danish Fort, Dansborg. Do visit the museum at the fort to check out the artifacts of the 17th century era. Also famous as the place where first printings press was started and where the first missionaries landed in India. Do visit the Bunglow on the Beach and enjoy the culinary delicacies of the region and then take a walk to the Commander's House and Rehling's House. Also visit the king’s street famous for the Town Gate, New Jerusalem Church and Zion Church. Also visit temples like the  Karaikal Ammayar temple, Aayiram Kaliamman temple and the temple of Lord Saturn in Tranquebar

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