World India Andhra Pradesh Kurnool

Kurnool , Andhra Pradesh

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Telugu, Hindi and Kannada
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India Andhra Pradesh Kurnool

About Kurnool

The gateway of Rayalaseema area, Kurnool served as a capital city for Andhra Pradesh State from during 1953 until 1956. The history of Kurnool dates back to 35000 to 40000 years. The rock paintings in Ketavaram Caves are standing examples for said facts. Kurnool was the part of Bijapur Sultanate during 17th century. Chalukyas used to rest before crossing Tungabhadra River on the place where Kurnool District stands elegantly now. The inscriptions found around Kurnool states that the name of the city was originally “Kandenavolu” or “Kandanavolu.” Vijayanagar Empires and British Raj contributed a lot for the city. Lying on the confluence of Tungabhadra River and Hindri River, Kurnool houses the country’s first Medical College established in the Assembly building when it served as capital of State. Pilgrim centers and rock paintings are the major attractions in the Kurnool.

Tourists can enjoy pleasant stay in the following hotels of Kurnool. Hotels around this are are S V Regency Hotel, Hotel Rajavihar Deluxe, Hotel Bhupal Residency and Haritha Srisailam.

Do you want to taste some spicy and authentic Andhra Cuisine in Kurnool? Then check out the restaurants like Arunodhaya, Food Paradise, Harita Restaurant, and Jana Priya Restaurant, etc.

Since Gadwal which is famous for Gadwal Sarees, you can purchase them in just 52 km away.


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