World India Tamil Nadu Chennai San Thome Basilica

San Thome Basilica , Chennai

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage, Pilgrimage
Languages Spoken
Tamil & English
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India Tamil Nadu San Thome Basilica

About San Thome Basilica

San Thome Basilica or Santhome Cathedral is the standing example for the Portuguese invasion in the city during 16th century. As per historical fact, St. Thomas, one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ arrived to this Santhome area through the ship and set up a small chapel on the shores of Marina Beach in 52 A.D. Later the church was built up from remnants by Portuguese and served as Minor Basilica and in 18th century British Empire renovated the church and announced the church as Cathedral. Tourists can see the entire church was renovated in Neo-Gothic architecture with a 183 ft high spire. Also one can see the few parts from life of St.Thomas were carved on stained glasses more amazingly. Also a bone and few body remnant of St.Thomas were preserved in a crypt in the center of the church. A Museum possessing the items from the era of the saint is well maintained within the Cathedral.

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Jul 09, 2014
Sermons are held in different languages at different times on weekdays. Confirm timings on website or at the cathedral.
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