World India Tamil Nadu Yelagiri Javadi Hills

Javadi Hills , Yelagiri

Type of Destination
Hill-station, Trekking, Adventure
Languages Spoken
Ideal Trip Duration
1-2 Days
Javadi Hills Altitude

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India Tamil Nadu Javadi Hills

About Javadi Hills

Javadi Hills also termed as Javadu hills is located in the Eastern Ghats in Tamil Nadu state about 75 KMs from Thiruvannamalai. Jamanamarathur is the main town in Javadu hills and is 40 KMs from Polur and famous for its sandalwood and fruit bearing trees. The hillock is less populated and you can come across Malayalee Tribal settlements in Javadi Hills. Tribal plantations include mainly trees which produce range of fruits like jackfruit, mango, lemon, pomegranate, guava etc. Sandalwood trees can be found in abundance in this hill station.

Beemanmadavu Waterfall, Kavalur Observatory and trekking in Amirthi Forest are the main attractions here. The Beemanmadavu waterfall in the middle of thick reserve forest is about 12 KMs from Jamanamarathur.

2.8 ( 15 )

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Rohan Mittal
Aug 05, 2016
Visit to Beemanmadavu waterfall in thick forest and trek to Amirthi forest are the main attractions here. Kavalur observatory can also be visited.

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