World India Karnataka Badami Bhutanatha Temple

Bhutanatha Temple , Badami

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Kannada, Hindi & English
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India Karnataka Bhutanatha Temple

About Bhutanatha Temple

Bhuthanatha Temple or Bhutanatha Temple is a popular tourist attraction in Badami. The tourist spot has a cluster of Sandstone shrines dedicated to the deity Bhutanatha. There are two major temples which are located here the first is a Bhutnatha temple at the eastern end of the lake and the other is theMallikarjuna group of temples. The architecture of the temple has been inspired from early South Indian Dravidian or North Indian Nagara style. This temple was built in the 5th century on the eastern end of the Agastya Lake on the summit of a small hill; the temple is situated opposite the forts in the vicinity.

3.5 ( 1 )

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