World India Assam Dimapur Sibsagar

Sibsagar , Dimapur

Type of Destination
Languages Spoken
Assamese, Bengali & English
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India Assam Sibsagar

About Sibsagar

The historic town of Sibsagar or Sivasagar is known for its Ahom temples, palaces and monuments. Visit the large water bodies in Sibsagar – Borpukhuri, Joysagar, Gaurisagar and Rudrasagar. The temples – Sivadol, Vishnudol and Devidol, dotting the Borpukhuri tank were built in 1734. Take a short trip and visit Talatal Ghar, a unique palace and also check out Rang Ghar, an Ahom style amphitheater. Consider going to the adjacent Panidihing Bird Sanctuary and try spotting some of the rare bird species.

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