World India Tamil Nadu Tirunelveli

Tirunelveli , Tamil Nadu

Type of Destination
Historical, City
Languages Spoken
Tamil & English
Tirunelveli Altitude

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India Tamil Nadu Tirunelveli

About Tirunelveli

Tirunelveli, the most important district in Southern Tamil Nadu has enormous footfall of tourists from across the world. The twin cities Tirunelveli and Palayamkottai are separated by a river “Thamarabharani”. The city played major part in opposing British Raj in Tamil Nadu. The city was ruled by Cholas, Pandyas, Nayakar, Vijayanagar Empire and Vijayanagar Empire in ancient time. Tirunelveli is also a hub for many educational institutes.

Hotels like Appletree, Sri Janakiram, Sakunthala International, etc. provides tourists with pleasant accomodation at fair rates. Restaurants like Maruthi, Aachees, Corriyander, etc. offer delicious food. Tirunelveli is also much famous for “Tirunelveli Halwa”, a mouthwatering delicacy made up of wheat, sugar and ghee. Taste some Halwa and pack some for your dear and near ones. Also, check out artifacts in Poomphur Emporium and the Terracotta Industries, which has a wide collection of terracotta and ceramic pottery.

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