World India Andhra Pradesh Kakinada

Kakinada , Andhra Pradesh

Type of Destination
City, Pilgrimage
Languages Spoken
Telegu, Hindi & English
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India Andhra Pradesh Kakinada

About Kakinada

Known as the city of temples, Kakinada is known as a mecca for tourists, but for visitors who are willing to take a couple of days in the city, it has a great deal to offer. There are a number of important temples, perhaps the most unique and impressive. They reveal over 8 million offerings by hopeful worshipers.

The city was once a thriving port, and over the years has made its mark through the increased traffic thereof. The sea provides income for many inhabitants in the locality. Visitors to Kakinada absolutely must try the special Khaja, a sweet made from flour, sugar and edible oils.
Legend has it that Jagannath appeared in the dream of a man from Puri and showed him how to cook the Khaja. The man prepared it as manservant to his Lord who wolfed them all down. This delicacy should not to be missed during your stay in Kakinada.

The city is all decked out for visitors coming from further afar. With good connections on the NH-214 Kathipudi to Ongole, the local rail terminal supplying many express and passenger connections and also an airport for those wishing to travel further.

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